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What we are doing to prevent the spread of Covid-19

Right Steps Recruitment Agency Ltd are adhering to Government guidance on Infection Prevention and Control as well as National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance – arranging planned care in hospitals and diagnostic services, Skills for Health and National Health Improvement (NHSI) Approved Frameworks. We are also adhering to guidance issued by Public Health England and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

In addition, all healthcare providers supplied by Right Steps Recruitment Agency Ltd are required to be fully vaccinated and be able to provide evidence of having obtained a negative COVID-19 test within the last three weeks and have been supplied online training on COVID-19.

We are maintaining a record of all staff and agency workers who have been tested for COVID-19 to ensure compliance and to reassure our clients. We are also auditing our workers for foreign travel and high risk areas and are booking COVID-19 tests where necessary.

All BAME staff and workers are subject to a comprehensive risk assessment in relation to COVID-19.

Our offices are currently only open to visitors by prior appointment and all visitors will be required to wear a face mask, sanitise hands and have their temperature checked prior to entry. We have increased our cleaning within the offices and visitor areas and follow social distancing guidelines.

Right Steps Recruitment Agency Ltd are proud to have been able to source and supply our healthcare workers with WHO recommended alcohol hand sanitiser and where necessary other PPE including face masks and visors.

Right Steps Recruitment Agency Ltd continue to operate a full service to our clients and you will always be able to speak to someone should you need to.

Information for staff and agency workers:

It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with policies and procedures of the employer who you are deployed to prior to commencement of your shift. Policies and procedures will differ between employers and you must be familiar with them.

You will be required to carry proof of vaccination with you.

If you are asked to look after a patient with either suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and have not completed the latest up to date training, do not have the correct PPE or are unsure of any aspects, please speak to your employer or contact us for further information.